Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My New Project

So I've decided it's a good idea to create a blog to chronicle my dating experience. Dear reader, I hope that you will find it entertaining, and not dull.

Background info for me. I'm a soon-to-be 26 year old male living in Vancouver, WA., a.k.a. "The 'Couve". I work very hard to scratch a living in the current economy, even taking on a roommate that I've known for well over 20 years (my first experience with a roommate was a horror story).

I don't date much. I really don't put much effort into getting dates but that doesn't mean that I'm not wanting to. I get shy around women, intimidated even.

I have been in two committed relationships. The first was the longest, lasting 2 months, ending when she went away to Job Corps. and then broke up with me, finally admitting that she was trying to have a relationship with a man, yet couldn't find herself able to commit like she had previously with women. The second was close in length, 6 weeks, and there have been a couple of rendezvous since then, but things don't look promising. When we first met it was a business connection, and then things rapidly developed. She had just gotten out of an abusive relationship, and as things developed I learned more and more about it. After we had started dating, he came back into the picture and started to give her a hard time again. (in my mind I would have cut off all communication with him if I was her, but she let it continue) Eventually, she broke up with me, stating that the long distance was an issue and that she felt she had rushed into things. Within DAYS she had started seeing him again. Eventually she got married to him, and a little over a year later (present) she is filing for divorce because he cheated on her multiple times with multiple women and also became increasingly physically abusive.

I've pursued relationships with others and had very... interesting results, and that's what this blog is for; to provide you, the reader, with the humorous exploits of my pursuit of happiness.

So let's go!

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