Sunday, October 11, 2009


So I have had kind of an interesting week, or however long it's been since I last posted.

Last Friday I got a message from a person on PoF, from someone that I'd put on my favorite list to message later. We've been talking for the last week, and seems like we're hitting it off pretty good. She is also a huge sports fan like me, which is something that we've kinda clicked on. We'll see how this goes. I'll keep you posted.

I finally was convinced to meet the woman I spoke about in my last entry. We met on Wednesday, at her friend's house. She was extremely drunk by the time I arrived (I came from the basketball game), and we chatted for a bit. She seems nice enough, but I have to admit I got a weird vibe from her. She had 2 friends over, and one of them had invited another guy back from the bar they had been at, for things that drunken women usually end up regretting. Due to the guy's psychotic behavior, it never went that far, thank goodness, but the whole scenario was rather entertaining, to say the least.

I can't really see anything happening between us though. We'll be good friends, but several elements of her life clash with mine. For example, she likes to party and drink. Like, a lot. As in, straight to the bar after work, and home by 11 to be in bed at 12. I, however, do not like to party. I rarely go out. And when I do, I stick to beer, don't drink excessive amounts (although there's been a few occasions, i.e. birthdays and bach. parties), and rarely drink hard alcohol. And honestly I don't want to be involved with someone who drinks heavily on a regular basis. Been down that road and don't want to travel it again. Not to mention I actually started hitting it off with one of her friends. That would complicate things lol.

In the last couple days as well a lady I met several years ago and have stayed in contact (Singer) with has told me how guilty she feels that she (in her own words and opinion) treated me like crap and didn't give me a fair chance. While I agree that she never gave me a chance, I would hardly say she treated me like crap. However, she's currently pining for someone who doesn't treat her right, doesn't love her, and doesn't want to be with her anymore, kinda the same situation that I'm in right now, but not as far along (I've come to terms and am moving on). She's having some family issues on top of that, so she's really stressed out, and I'm trying to be there to comfort her as best I can. I don't feel like I'm helping much however.

Why is dating so difficult for men? I'm sure to women it feels like we have it easy, but I'll be the first to tell you that it's rather intimidating. Maybe it's just me, but I know it's difficult to analyze things to see if things are going smoothly for the other person, to glean any sign of interest... It almost makes a guy wanna stop and be pursued for a change.

I'm no scaredy-cat though, so I'm going to keep putting myself out there. My slogan: Give me a chance and I'll make you happy. (too cheesy? let me know)

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