Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ok, so I'm slacking...

But I have a good excuse! I have been without computer for the last month or so, because the backup disc for the laptop seems to be faulty.


I finally got the date with Old Friend set up, and it was this past Wednesday. We had a lot of fun. She chose to go to a game and that's fine with me. The night before we went to Lloyd Center in Portland to get her some gear, which turned out to be a t-shirt. We also had some food at the food court, but it wasn't really anything super memorable.

We ended up having some pretty good seats for the game, which was fun, and got exciting at the end, before coming out with the victory. Afterwards we went to Voodoo Doughnuts, and tried some of their stuff. I'd never had their doughnuts before, but she had. I got the famous bacon maple bar, and she got a one-day special called the "Tony the Tiger", a chocolate frosted doughnut covered in Frosted Flakes. Definitely different. We agreed on the way back to her place that we should definitely go out again, either for a repeat or just for doughnuts. I was the chauffeur for the evening, so I dropped her off at her home, and said goodnight because she had to go pick up her son, and I went home for the evening.

We've been texting a lot lately, and I wonder if things are going to work out. I would like for them to but at the same time I don't want to rush in and open up like I always do. I'm lost. We have plans to go out and do some things, like go to the zoo, or meet up for a drink... Even a Northwest Ale Festival. We seem to have a lot more in common than I originally thought, which is great. I just don't know where things are going to lead yet, and while I'm not trying to affect the direction of things in any way, it's hard not to wonder where the path is going to ultimately end up; whether the road is a dead end or if it leads to something wonderful. I'll just have to wait and see.

I've pretty much given up on anything happening with the Singer. She is still hung up on her ex-loser and doesn't show any signs of moving on. The Redhead has been quiet as well, although she pops up every now and then. My ex is starting to talk to me somewhat again (we really haven't talked much over the last month or so other than a few texts here and there), and she always seems to do this when I meet someone; it's like she has a sixth sense on when to ruin my life or something (at least that's how it feels). The chick from Salt Lake hasn't talked to me since she went home, and really I don't think it would work out anyways.... that's a little too long distance for me. I can do 2 hours but not 2 states!

Well, wish me luck. I hope that I'll have more to report soon. And as always, if you have any comments or pointers, please feel free to leave them in the comments. And be frank. Not Frank, but frank.

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